Butterfly (spouses) Community

Job Search Assistance

When your job demands that you relocate, this sometimes means that even your spouse is faced with the challenge to relocate. Through our Butterfly spouse's Community program, we are able to offer some services that would help them get better chances of being employed. This includes; career counseling services, prepping them for job interviews, offering them networking contacts and qualified job leads and finally helping them gather market research such as company profiles, professional associations, and fulfill their certification requirements.

Escort Interpretation

Sometimes being a spouse to a working expat could be frustrating especially if you are not lucky enough to land a job as soon as you get to your host country. Being jobless and in a new country could lead to immense boredom which could even lead to a strained marriage. It is therefore by considering such situations that we have been able to offer an Escort Interpreter to expat spouses. The role of these very well trained professionals is to help the spouses be able to navigate the new environment not through interpreting the local language but also through creating a link on the cultural aspects to enable the spouse not to feel that much isolated. It consequently makes them feel that they are part of that community.

Spouses Cultural Program

The Spouse Cultural Program could essentially be considered an extension of the interpretation service owing to the fact that; the spouse here is taken through a thorough cultural training process. This training is aimed at enabling the spouse develops skills that are culturally appropriate as far as the host population is concerned. We understand how tough it is to be thrown into an absolutely new culture from the very beginning with the expectations to create your life right from scratch. It is the desire to make this transition for your spouse as easy as possible.

Recreational Activities

The understanding of the fact that working all the time without other interests is counterproductive is the reason we have put in place this program. Our recreational program offers various fun-filled activities that help you and your spouse, new inhabitants of the host country, to learn more beyond what your roles at work are able to teach you. Some of these activities include; cooking classes, dance workshops, Painting on canvas, Attending exciting events, art and crafts making, Swimming sessions, Athletic activities, Calligraphy Workshops, Yoga as well as Music classes.

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